Enjoy a sumptuous dinner talking with diverse Melburnians including many from refugee backgrounds.

Celebrating the contributions of refugees to Melbourne’s successful multiculturalism. “Taste the Difference” gives ordinary Melburnians a chance to dine with extraordinary Melburnians – those who arrived on our shores as refugees.

Enjoy a delicious meal made by refugees who are forging their own micro-businesses. Taste South Sudanese, Palestinian and Syrian delights.

Each table will include two people from a refugee background; learn and share about their incredible journeys through intimate conversation

If you’ve wanted to learn more about the humans behind the headlines (or indeed if you can invite someone you know who needs to gain this valuable exposure), “Taste the Difference” is an ideal night out

Proceeds from the night will go to AMES Australia People in Need Fund.

Presented by City of Melbourne and AMES Australia Multicultural Hub.

BYO Drinks

Date: Wed 28 June 2023

Website: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/taste-the-difference-tickets-653356435687?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

Multicultural Hub 506 Elizabeth St Melbourne, VIC 3000