To get involved with an existing Program Group, contact them directly or email [email protected].
To establish a new Program Group, please complete the following Broadcasting Group Application Form:
Broadcasting Group Application Form
Please fill in the following form which will assist 3ZZZ in determining whether your community is able to have access to airtime. Contact 3ZZZ during office hours on (03) 9415 1928 or [email protected] for assistance or further information.
Information for Group Applications
This information sheet is designed to help you understand the process of applying for a new Group at 3ZZZ.
Who makes the decision about whether our application is successful or not?
Your application will be considered by the Programming Committee who make a recommendation to Council for approval (the Board or Committee of Management of 3ZZZ). The Programming Committee also allocate timeslots to Broadcasting Groups and review and regulate program timeslots with final approval by Council. The Programming Committee is elected every two years and is made up of:
- 7 Group Convenors as elected at the first Convenors’ Meeting after a Station Annual General Meeting (AGM) in an election year (every second year)
- Councillors as elected by the Council
- The Station Manager
- The Chairperson (President) of the Council is an ex officio member of the Programming Committee (i.e. they don’t have a vote)
When will we find out if we have been successful?
The Programming Committee will respond to your application in writing and indicate if further information is required or if a decision has been made. If necessary, the Programming Committee may invite applicants to a Programming Committee meeting to seek further information on the community in question. All efforts are made for the process to take place as quickly as possible, however, please be patient as the Programming Committee generally meets 5 times per year.
If we are successful, what happens next?
- Once your Group has been approved, you need to sign up members to your Group. Membership forms are available from the Office. You will need 25 members to start broadcasting, and you should have 40 members four months after the commencement of broadcasting.
- The members of your Group will be notified of a meeting to elect a Group Committee.
- The Group Committee nominates who will broadcast and these individuals’ book into station training.
- You will be allocated broadcast time (generally an hour weekly) and a start date. Usually programs currently on air are given 3 months’ notice of a change to timeslot unless they are vacating the airtime voluntarily so be prepared to wait before the airtime is available.
When is a good time of year to make an application?
You can submit your application at any time, but the start of the year is a good time because the Programming Committee reviews program timeslots in April.
When will we get trained for broadcasting?
As soon as possible. Demand on training at the station is heavy – while the training we offer is free, it is delivered by volunteer trainers, which limits the number of courses we can deliver each year. Classes are usually offered on evenings and weekends.
How many broadcasters should we have?
Ideally you should have a minimum of three broadcasters trained and available to broadcast. Some Groups elect to have a roster with different teams broadcasting on different weeks. Whatever your Group Committee decides, remember that your program should reflect the diverse range of opinions in your community and that community radio is about access to broadcasting by members of the community. Also keep in mind that Groups that have a number of broadcasters sharing the role cope better when broadcasters take holidays, are sick or unavailable.
Do we get paid?
No! All 3ZZZ broadcasters are volunteers. All Group Committee members, Councillors and Convenors are volunteers.
Who can I ask for advice about my application?
You are welcome to talk to someone in the 3ZZZ office about your application, such as the Manager. They may be able to look at a draft of your application and give you advice prior to your final submission.
Can the Broadcast Group be run by another organisation?
No. Even if you are closely affiliated with another ethnic or cultural association, the Broadcasting Group is a part of the structure of Ethnic Public Broadcasting Association of Victoria Ltd. and must only be answerable and accountable to 3ZZZ members and its governing body – the Council.
Who owns the Group?
The Group is owned by the community and the members of the Group are responsible for electing a Group Committee to run the Group, subject to Station Constitution. As such, anything purchased using Group funds (eg. equipment or CDs) remains the property of the Group and the station.
Can I apply for a Group if there is already a program broadcasting in my language on the station? Or with the same nationality?
The short answer is no. However, the Programming Committee will look to see if your Group application fits the criteria as outlined in the Program Allocation Policy (see Policy Booklet). While the Committee will not approve a Group that is identical to another at the station in terms of Nationality, Ethnicity and Language, it will consider approving Groups that differ to current program in one or more of these conditions. For example a Group that speaks the same language as a current Broadcast Group but has a different ethnicity or nationality; or a Group that has the same nationality but a different ethnicity and/or language. Where appropriate we encourage applicants to work together with other applicants or to strengthen existing Groups in the spirit of community and multiculturalism. If you’re not sure whether you satisfy the guidelines, speak to the Manager or Assistant Manager during office hours.
Who should I get a letter of support from for my application?
Letters of support should be from ethnic, cultural or social associations, not individuals. For example: Cambodian Association of Victoria.
Further reading:
- It is recommended that all applicants read the Station Policy booklet, 3ZZZ Constitution and Volunteers Handbook, which includes information on station structure and what it means to be a member –
- See our website ( for more information about 3ZZZ, our programs and current program guide.
- For further information about ethnic community broadcasting in Australia, see the National Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcasters’ Council –