Are you OK? – a simple three worded question – but, in today’s busy world, the gravity of those words can be impacting. Just how much could they change someone’s life? Today, R U OK Day marks a National Day of Action for encouraging us all to notice the signs of mental health. First held in 2009 – the day offers an annual reminder for Aussie’s to reach out to their neighbour and check in with others around them.
But, how can we keep these important conversations going year-round, as well as build resilience as a community amid rising mental health concerns?
For additional support help is available: Lifeline: 13 11 14
Image: Pexels Karolina Grabowska
Produced By: Emma Wotzke
Featured In Story: Heidi Dening – Author, Speaker and Resilience Expert , and
First aired on The Wire, Thursday 14th September