Outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease have grown more common since it’s discovery in 1976, including a 100 case outbreak in Melbourne last month.
As the prevalence of the disease grows, so does the concern for Australians.
Legionella pneumophila, a bacteria that infects the lungs and causes a severe form of pneumonia, spreads through aerosols – usually air conditioners. Cooling towers connected to air conditioners are a breeding ground for the bacteria, and once contaminated, is impossible to get out.
Does Legionnaires’ pose a major threat to Australians?
Image: Image: Shutterstock – peterschreiber.media
Produced By: Ben Fragiadakis
Featured In Story: Dr Candice Holland, Chair of the Australasian Society for Infectious diseases Advocacy and Policy Committee, and Dr Cynthia Turnbull, Postdoctoral researcher at the John Curtin School of Research ANU
First aired on The Wire, Wednesday 21 August 2024