The Wire
The Prime Minister announced that a new position of National Commissioner for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young...
There are significant challenges for many countries in the Asia Pacific region in food sustainability. Modern supply chain logistics favours...
In 2023, the EU passed legislation encouraging users to repair purchased goods under a ‘right to repair.’ Users are now...
With Indonesians about to go to the polls in the first-round of an electoral contest to decide who will be...
Doxxing is the action to publicly identify or publishing private information about usually as a form of punishment or revenge,...
On Thursday, the Closing Loopholes Bill 2023 passed Senate, with support from Labour, the Greens and independents including Lidia Thorpe...
E-scooters are a popular and growing trend throughout the world’s cities. They provide tourists and residents with a way to...
After two terms of Joko Widodo’s leadership, Indonesia’s 2024 General Election will mark the first change in leadership in ten...
A recent study is recommending policymakers implement new strategies to reduce the high smoking rate of Australians with disabilities. Health...
Experts are concerned at the rising prescribing rate of antidepressants, with around one in seven Australians taking antidepressant medication every...